Electronics multiple type question part2

1- an oscillator converts
a- ac power into dc power
b- dc power into ac power
c- mechanical power into ac power
d- none of the above

2-In an LC transistor oscillator the active device is
a- LC tank circuit
b- biasing circuit
c- transistor
d-none of the above

3-in an LC circuit,when the capacitor energy is maximum,the induction energy is
a- minimum
b- maximum
c- half way between maximum and minimum
d- none of the above

4-In an LC oscillator , the frqufrequ of oscillation is
a- proportional to square of LC
b- directly proportional to LC
c- independent of the value of LC
d- inversely proportional to square root of LC

5- An oscillator produces
a- damped oscillation
b- undamped oscillation
c- modulated oscillation
d- none of the above

6-An oscillator employs
a- positive feedback
b- negative feedback
c- neither positive nor negative
d- none of the above

7-Hartley oscillator commonly used for
a- radio receivers
b- radio transmitter
c- TV receiver
d- none of the above

8-An LC oscillator cannot be used to produce
a- high frequencies
b- audio frequencies
c- very low frequencies
d- very high frequencies

9- In a phase shift oscillator , we use how many RC section
a- two
b- three
c- four
d- five

10 - In a phase shift oscillator frequency determining elements are
 a- L and C
 b- R,L and C
 c- R and C
 d-none of the above

11-A wein bridge oscillator uses which type of feedback
a- only positive
b-only negative
c-both positive and negative
d-none of the above

12- If the crystal frequency changes with temperature, temperature coefficient said to be
a- positive
b- zero
c- negative
d- none of the above

13- The crystal oscillator frequency is very stable due to
a- rigidity of crystal
b- vibrations of crystal
c- low Q
d- high Q

14- The application where one would most likely find a crystal oscillator is
a-radio receiver
b- radio transmitter
c- AF sweep generator
d- none of the above

16- An osvoscilla differs from an amplifier because it
a- has more gain
b- requires no input signal
c- requires no dc supply
d- always has the same input

17- For an oscillator to property start, the gain around the feedback loop must initially be
a- 1
b- greater than 1
c- less than 1
d- equal to attenuation of feedback circuit

18- which oscillator is a fixed frequency oscillator
a- phase shift oscillator
b- Hartley oscillator
c- Crystal oscillator
d- Colpitt's oscillator

19-A tuned amplifier uses which type of load
a- resistive load
b- capacitive load
c- LC tank
d- inductive

20- A tuned amplifier is generally operated in
a-radio frequency
b- low frequency
c- audio frequency
d- none of the above


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