
Flip Flops

  Definition:-  Flip flop is a one bit memory cell that can store one bit of data. A group of flip-flops are called register. For example:- If we want to store data 1111 then we need four flip Flops. Flip-flop  is basically used in digital electronics. It is used to store digital numbers. Flip-flop  is a sequencial circuit ( sequencial circuit are those whic has memory, out put of sequencial logic circuits are depends upon present input and past output. Latch is also one bit memory cell but basic difference between latch and flip flop is latch is level trigger and flop is edge trigger ( latch works on low level or High level of clock pulse and flip flop works positive or negative edge of clock pulse.                                 Clock pulses Types of Flip-flops There basically four types of Flip-flops 1- SR (set-reset) Flip-flops 2-D(delay) Flip-flops 3- JK (jack-kilby ) Flip-flops  4- T (toggle) Flip-flops

Electronics multiple type question part2

1- an oscillator converts a- ac power into dc power b- dc power into ac power c- mechanical power into ac power d- none of the above 2-In an LC transistor oscillator the active device is a- LC tank circuit b- biasing circuit c- transistor d-none of the above 3-in an LC circuit,when the capacitor energy is maximum,the induction energy is a- minimum b- maximum c- half way between maximum and minimum d- none of the above 4-In an LC oscillator , the frqufrequ of oscillation is a- proportional to square of LC b- directly proportional to LC c- independent of the value of LC d- inversely proportional to square root of LC 5- An oscillator produces a- damped oscillation b- undamped oscillation c- modulated oscillation d- none of the above 6-An oscillator employs a- positive feedback b- negative feedback c- neither positive nor negative d- none of the above 7-Hartley oscillator commonly used for a- radio receivers b- radio transmitter c- TV receiver d- n

Electronics multiple type question with answer

1-one of the best example of an active device is a/an a- electric bulb b- transformer c- loudspeaker d- scilicon control rectifier 2- Which one of the following is used as a passive component in Electronics circuit a- Resistor b-Vaccum tube c- Transistor d- Tunnel tube 3- With the help of radar we can a- listen to more melodious music b- perform mathematical calculation very fast c- cure the damaged tissues in human body d- detect the presence of an aircraft as well        as locate it's position 4- An AC voltage can be converted into               unidirectional voltage by using a- power amplifier b- a multivibrator c-an oscillator circuit d - a rectifier circuit 5-The colour bands on a fixed carbon resisRes are: brown ,red, black (given sequentially) it's value is a- 12 ohm b- 21 ohm c-129 ohm d-210 ohm 6- An ideal voltage source is one which has a- very high internal resistance b- zero internal resistance c- very low internal resistance d-

Digital gates

Gates(digital electronics) Gates are basic building block of digital electronics.there are 7 gates used in digital electronics. They are as follows- 1-AND gate 2-OR gate 3-NOT gate 4-NAND gate 5-NOR gate 6-EX-OR gate 7-EX-NOR gate Where NAND and NOR called 'Universal Gate'.Because with the help of these two gates we can make all other gates. Now we will explain each gates with their truth truth table are used for verify it's operation. 1-AND gate Symbol and truth table of AND gate 2-OR gate 3-NOT gate 4-NAND gate 5-NOR gate 6-EX-OR gate Where  (A ⊕ B)= A B  +  A B 7-EX-NOR gate